You take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have
the facts of life.
If you consume the crappy stuff, your body will not yield results.
I ate crap last weekend... starting Friday night and not stopping until Sunday night.
Gah! The weekends are SO. HARD. I have nobody to blame but myself! I want to give you all my excuses and write a big long blog post about "date night" on Friday and how we celebrated my birthday on Saturday with Rich's family and how I was held at gunpoint to consume frozen yogurt on Sunday while out with mother in law... but seriously. Those stories would just be riddled with excuses and covering up the real problem.
I struggle with weekends. I need get this figured out. Especially if I'm going to make big progress on my goals and win this WLC. It's frustrating!
I want to eat the crap everyone else eats, but I want to lose weight doing it. Those in AA know that the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. This past weekend, I lost my brain, and my stomach took over to compensate. My stomach said that since I've been working out so much, that I can eat the crap and everything will be okay. My stomach said that my muscles are sore so I deserve the junk. My stomach said that I could work off the crap the next day with a higher intensity work out.
My brain knows better! If I want results, I have to eat like I want results. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK. My brain knows that this challenge isn't going to last for forever.... It's only seven more weeks. Seriously, I can keep losing for seven more weeks! Even if it's only one pound a week - that's a package of buttah off my thighs. I know this! My brain knows this. Even my heart knows this. But, my stomach is sick. It's diseased with want and deserve and make-up-for-it-later.
So, no pounds lost this week. I weigh exactly the same as I did at this time last week. To the tenth of a pound.
That's okay, though. I'm not going to have any CRAP this weekend! I'm going to climb to the very tip top of that leader board and I'm going to reach my goal of 11 more pounds!