I'm thinking about taking up my blogging habits again. My focus will change from mostly weight loss to other life goals. There's a lot of PROJECTS in my life that I enjoy, and it might be nice to record my journey with them.
The projects I choose to involve myself in are usually inspired by the Church. But I admit that I have a hard time knowing when my project ideas are promptings from God or from my own selfish brain. :) I tend to go all out with most of my ideas... I like to start fast and go go go with full intensity. I think my thinking is that if I am being called to a "mission field", I'd rather jump on it and answer quickly and faithfully than to ponder it for too long and dismiss it as my own ideas, then realize later that I should have acted.
I do recognize the danger in this. God wants me to be intentional and careful. He wants to teach me patience, discernment, and slow & steady faithfulness. He does not wish to see me sprinting every time the whistle blows, only to be winded and sometimes burnt out after only 100 yards on a marathon course.
The newest project on my mind (which quite honestly has inspired me to rekindle with this here blog) is the dream to homeschool my kids. There are so many reasons I want to homeschool them, and yet I'm torn because I'm so happy at my current job, get paid well for the work I do, and really do already "have it all." So, why fix something that isn't really all that broken? Well - when I say it like that my immediate reaction is a face of disgust... our school system really truly is broken. And as my kids get older, I realize more how detrimentally broken it is - even in this award winning, middle-upper class district that I'm in.
So there you have it - my re-introduction.