Originally posted WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2010
100 blessings in my life
In no particular order, 100 blessings that are in my life:
This list took me almost a week to complete. About 1/3 of the way through it, I came down with bronchitis (and possibly pneumonia as well). Still, the blessings are abundant. I could have kept going.... I'm incredibly blessed and I hope to take for granted as FEW of my blessings as possible! I thank God for those blessings I am able to take for granted!!
- my children
- my husband
- my father and his wife
- my relatively new relationship with my brother
- my grandmother is still alive and well
- my husband's entire family
- my dog
- living in this small town in KS
- the Foth family
- the Sanders family
- the Dehn family
- fall weather
- beautiful house
- full closet
- full pantry
- working husband
- memories of summer vacation
- getting off work early on a (random) friday
- our big fish in our big fish tank
- the van in our garage
- the vehicle in the driveway
- the bikes in the garage
- my strong body that can walk, run, move
- my laptop
- iTunes, CDs, music in general
- my fancy cell phone
- allergy medicine
- books in the house
- the local library
- parks in this town
- fuzzy warm socks
- my neighbors
- the BBF volunteers
- sponsors
- businesses that contribute paper, ink, printing to the BBF
- USD 231
- Preschool teacher from last year
- Kindergarten teacher from this year
- Sunday school teachers
- having multiple bibles in our household
- Julia excited about having her own bible
- warm showers
- people at church
- small group
- sweet treats
- soldiers who fight for my freedom
- antibiotics
- easy crafts
- board games with friends
- potluck lunches after church
- my comfy bed
- clean sheets
- reading to my kids
- taking the dog for walks while husby puts the kids to bed
- the smell of my kids' shampoo after a bath
- referrals from clients
- handwritten letters/notes
- child-made bookmarks
- conversations at Chick-fil-A (among adults, while my kids are having a great time playing)
- fish filters so I don't have to clean the tank every week
- toilet cleaners that are flushable
- yankee candles
- pre-planned menus for the month (or even week!)
- successful BBF fundraisers
- chemo and other drugs that make people better
- pain medicine
- oxygen
- water
- in-laws that spend time with my kids
- my neighbors who love me and look out ofr me
- good tv shows
- General health and well being
- Companies like Austins, Schwans, and Chick-fil-A who believe in the BBF
- my Pastor and his entire family
- Other pastors in the area, and the relationship I've built with some of them
- Matthew West, his music, and his example
- Pictures kids draw for me while they are away (they are thinking of me when I'm not there?!)
- weekends
- DVD player in the van
- family in another state (excuse to travel!)
- family in another state (time away makes the heart grow tender sometimes)
- 5K runs and friends that run them, thus motivating me
- diapers, toilet paper, napkins, and other hygiene luxuries
- Sun, Rain, Clouds, Snow, Wind - the Seasons nature creates
- DeeJo Miller
- Brent and Sarah Bays and their boys
- the ACS RFL events/opportunities/experiences
- pooper scoopers with long handles :)
- neighbor/friends that walk my J to/from school safely every day
- Children's church volunteers & leaders that love on my kids on Sunday mornings while I attend service
- new pants that fit right
- my new laptop battery that husby got for me without me even asking him to
- official business cards that were designed/ordered/paid for/delivered by someone from church for the BBF (I didn't even ask her to do this!)
- online sermons
- margaritas with girlfriends
- margaritas and movies or wii games with husby on weekends (a rare treat, but a treat indeed!)
- chips & salsa
- Conversations about God with my daddy
- texts on Thursdays from my Auntie (S.H.I.T. = So Happy Its Thursday)
- large children's movie collection
This list took me almost a week to complete. About 1/3 of the way through it, I came down with bronchitis (and possibly pneumonia as well). Still, the blessings are abundant. I could have kept going.... I'm incredibly blessed and I hope to take for granted as FEW of my blessings as possible! I thank God for those blessings I am able to take for granted!!
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