My easiest excuse for avoiding a workout is that my kids are more important and I don't like to take time away from them.
I need to get past this, and right now the easiest way I can see around it is to get up really early and get my workout over with before my normally scheduled routine begins. I'm going to commit to this! At least for the next 11 weeks - then who know what will happen after that, but I remember learning somewhere that 21 consecutive times of doing something forms a regular, bonafide HABIT. So, that's what I'm going for.
But, today - husby had the day off and so did I so we did things at our leisure and it was such a JOY! I took my time with my workout today and even did the whole thing in the comfort of my own home... which is another great reminder that the excuse of bad weather, or not enough time, or even dirty clothes shouldn't stop me. I can get a workout in NO MATTER WHAT, given that we have sufficient equipment at home to knock one out without a problem.
My new-ish strategy of working out before day breaks will begin on Wednesday. I'm hoping to make it to a 5am spin class at the YMCA. It will be a super challenge since I don't have to work Weds or have any other plans. I'm gonna have to get my butt out of that bed just because. I'll let you know what happens. :) (And while typing this post, I just remembered that holy crap, that's tomorrow.) Heh..
Today's workout consisted of a 20 minute treadmill jog - including work with a steep incline and a two minute run at an uncomfortably fast pace.. which is great. :) And, I was watching the Dr's while I was working out and they weren't done talking about something interesting so I stayed on for an extra 5-10 minutes after that. Then, I tried a new workout called "Hip Hop Abs" from "Shawn-T" ... I liked it but I don't know that it did much for me, so when it was done (it was thirty minutes long!) I went ahead and did a 3 minute abs exercise to finish everything off.
I'm excited about getting back on track! The only real, legitimate excuse I have to not go at it full force with 100% effort is a shoulder injury that I'm currently going to physical therapy for. Hopefully it will be just another few weeks of therapy and I'll be good as new so I can re-join the weight training classes at the Y. :)
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